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Industrial pressure transmitter

The SW2088 pressure transmitter uses a silicon piezoresistive isolation membrane oil-filled core as
  • Stable quality: implement process quality control, pay attention to quality, and test in many aspects!
  • Reasonable price: effective internal cost control, cost reduction and customer service!
  • Quick delivery: perfect production line, sufficient inventory and shortened delivery time!
  • Tel:86-0550-2406812
  • Mobile phone:17856844858
  • E-mail:13605508812@139.com

The SW2088 pressure transmitter uses a silicon piezoresistive isolation membrane oil-filled core as the signal measurement element. The sensor signal is converted into a standard signal output after the signal processing circuit. The product has undergone strict testing of components, semi-finished products and finished products, and long-term aging and other process screening , High overall performance, good long-term stability, strong anti-interference ability, and can work safely and reliably in relatively harsh environments for a long time.

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