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Level gaugeye-wei-ji-0-5LdCUT

Magnetic flap level gauge

The UHZ series of side-mounted magnetic flap level gauges are developed and produced by our company
  • Stable quality: implement process quality control, pay attention to quality, and test in many aspects!
  • Reasonable price: effective internal cost control, cost reduction and customer service!
  • Quick delivery: perfect production line, sufficient inventory and shortened delivery time!
  • Tel:86-0550-2406812
  • Mobile phone:17856844858
  • E-mail:13605508812@139.com

The UHZ series of side-mounted magnetic flap level gauges are developed and produced by our company according to the magnetic level gauge standard HG/T21584-95 promulgated by the former Ministry of Chemical Industry by introducing, absorbing, and absorbing, digesting, and improving similar foreign products. product. It can be used to detect the medium level of various towers, tanks, spherical vessels, boilers and other equipment. This series of magnetic level gauges can achieve high sealing, leak-proof and adapt to liquid level measurement under high pressure, high temperature and corrosive conditions. It has reliable safety. It makes up for the unclear indication of the glass plate (tube) level gauge The insufficiency of crushing is not affected by drastic changes in high and low temperatures, and does not require the combination of multiple sets of level gauges. The whole process of measurement has no blind spots, the display is eye-catching, the reading is intuitive, and the measurement range is large.

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