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Vortex Flowmeter

Overview of vortex flowmeter: The FM210 vortex flowmeter is a volume flowmeter that measures the v
  • Stable quality: implement process quality control, pay attention to quality, and test in many aspects!
  • Reasonable price: effective internal cost control, cost reduction and customer service!
  • Quick delivery: perfect production line, sufficient inventory and shortened delivery time!
  • Tel:86-0550-2406812
  • Mobile phone:17856844858
  • E-mail:13605508812@139.com

Overview of vortex flowmeter:

The FM210 vortex flowmeter is a volume flowmeter that measures the volume flow of gas, steam or liquid, the volume flow or mass flow of standard conditions according to the Karman vortex principle.

The instrument uses advanced differential technology, with isolation, shielding, filtering and other measures to overcome the problems of poor shock resistance and small signal data disorder of similar products, and adopts unique sensor packaging technology and protective measures to ensure product reliability .


Application of vortex flowmeter:

This instrument can be widely used in large, medium and small pipeline water supply and drainage, industrial circulation, sewage treatment, oil and chemical reagents, as well as compressed air, saturated and superheated steam, natural gas and various medium flow measurement.

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