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Control valvediao-jie-fa-0-HoCT0f

ZAZP-64K electric single seat control valve

ZAZ (P, N, M) type electric control valve is assembled by electric actuator and various valve bodie
  • Stable quality: implement process quality control, pay attention to quality, and test in many aspects!
  • Reasonable price: effective internal cost control, cost reduction and customer service!
  • Quick delivery: perfect production line, sufficient inventory and shortened delivery time!
  • Tel:86-0550-2406812
  • Mobile phone:17856844858
  • E-mail:13605508812@139.com

ZAZ (P, N, M) type electric control valve is assembled by electric actuator and various valve bodies (single seat, double seat, sleeve), and has the characteristics of various valves. The electric control valve is powered by a single-phase AC 220V power supply, accepts a unified standard electric signal 0-10mADC or 4-20mADC, and automatically controls the valve opening to achieve automatic control of working flow, pressure, temperature, liquid level and other parameters. It is one of the components of the dynamic adjustment of the production process from Sogou screenshot 1648_1.png on April 20, 2016. Widely used in the automatic control of electric power, metallurgy, light industry, food, petroleum, chemical and other industries

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