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Industry Newsxing-ye-xin-wen-0-r7Q9Cj
How to improve the service life of zirconia analyzer in waste power plant

Waste-to-energy power plants and zirconia analyzers have extremely short service lives. The main reason is that the composition of garbage is very complicated. The flue gas produced after garbage burning is mainly a series of toxic and harmful gases such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, nitrogen oxides, and dioxins. These gases plus the large amount of waste generated during incineration Water vapor can cause serious harm to the sensor in the oxygen probe. The domestic zirconia analyzer is normally used in a garbage power plant for 3-4 months, and it must be replaced if it is longer than half a year.

      The same situation does not only happen in garbage power plants, solid waste, medical waste, hazardous waste incineration and disposal, etc. The situation is basically the same. Even the expensive imported zirconia analyzer cannot escape being corroded and damaged in a short period of time. Reality. In order to solve the corrosion problem, some manufacturers apply anticorrosive to the zirconium probe bath. As everyone knows, once the zirconium probe bath is painted, the oxygen response will be slow, and the enterprise operators cannot use the correct data to guide production, control the combustion of the furnace, and high temperature. How can we solve this problem? Garbage power plants, solid waste, medical waste, hazardous waste disposal, waste gas, waste liquid, and incineration companies are all looking forward to it.

The special zirconium oxide analyzer for garbage power plants uses diaphragm electrolysis technology, which combines electro-osmosis and electrolysis technology to realize the integration of sampling and anti-corrosion. Its principle is that when the special zirconium oxide analyzer works, it will use electrolysis technology in the oxygen probe sensor. A series of photon diaphragms are automatically formed around, which can isolate high-strength corrosive gases. At the same time, a high-temperature defogger is installed to remove water vapor, and the measured oxygen molecules directly enter the probe through electro-osmosis. Using this technology solves the corrosion problem of the zirconia probe and prolongs the service life of the zirconia analyzer. According to the current actual use of enterprises in Zhejiang and other places, it has been put into operation for more than 10 months and has been operating normally. A chief engineer working in a solid waste incineration plant said with emotion, "Even if this special zirconia analyzer is only used for ten months, our cost can be reduced by half! It also saves a lot of procurement and maintenance time, and improves efficiency by at least one. Times!" Judging from the current test situation of nearly ten points (including garbage power plants, solid waste incineration plants, medical waste disposal, high-temperature kilns, special steel pipe manufacturing and a series of complex working conditions units), dedicated The zirconia analyzer is stable and reliable. It is conservatively estimated that after it is officially put into production, it can work normally for at least 1 to 2 years, or even longer.The success of the research and development of the dedicated zirconia analyzer for waste-to-energy power plants will undoubtedly provide many companies in waste-to-energy plants, solid waste, medical waste disposal, waste liquid, waste gas incineration, etc., when they are confused about the service life of zirconia. The good news is that this is a blank project to fill the service life of oxygen analyzers used in domestic waste incineration.

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